If you and your significant other are planning on getting pregnant, it’s important that both parties ensure they are healthy. By maintaining a healthy body and following fertility tips, you increase your chances of being fertile. This is just as important for men as it is for women. Zinc plays a major role in male fertility. Without zinc, your body may not be strong enough for the job.
Why is Zinc so Important?
How Does Zinc Affect Male Fertility?
1. Immature Sperm
2. Chromosomal Changes
Sometimes, when there’s a zinc deficiency, the sperm is still able to mature. However, chromosomal changes will affect the pregnancy. Low levels of zinc can cause these changes because zinc is a necessary component of your genetic material. Chromosomal defects in the sperm will sometimes cause a miscarriage. Additionally, zinc can guard the sperm against bacteria. Since zinc works as an antioxidant, it protects sperm from free radicals, which can be damaging to cells.