When a woman hits a certain age, building a beautiful family to share memories with becomes the top priority. Whether you’re currently trying to conceive, or you’re planning for your future, one issue always seems to arise—fertility.
Although each woman has unique characteristics that make up her biology, there are certain techniques, practices and supplements that can be utilized to make the process of becoming pregnant much easier. If you’re ready to start the glorious road to motherhood, you’ll want to explore the world of vaginal steaming.
The Positive Aspects
Vaginal steaming, although it may sound intimidating, is a new form of self-care that celebrities are using to improve their odds at conceiving a child. To understand why, we must first understand the role that endometriosis plays in a woman’s ability to conceive. In a general sense, endometriosis is the accumulation of tissue on the outer layer of the uterus. This can cause abdominal pain, discomfort, irregular menstrual cycles, uncomfortable sensations during sex and, ultimately, difficultly becoming pregnant. Vaginal steaming aims to reduce the growth caused by endometriosis and improve a woman’s fertility.
In conjunction with this, vaginal steaming comes into the equation by providing a therapeutic sensation to the reproductive system. Heat accumulated through the treatment forces blood, oxygen, and minerals to fill the area and work on abnormalities that may be lying within the woman’s system. The vapors that are emitted by the treatment may be infused with a combination of oils and herbs that provide healing of the tissues that make up the reproductive system.
Similarly, regular treatments may reduce symptoms associated with the patient’s menstrual cycle and make the process much easier to handle. Women who have experienced difficulty urinating or controlling their bathroom visits may also notice an improvement in strength to their lower extremities.
The most common ingredients used in the steaming treatment are the following:
- Basil
- Rose petals
- Lavender
- Mugwort
- Wormwood
The Negatives
The biggest complaint that seems to arise among vaginal-steaming users pertains to the oils and herbs used during the process. In some facilities, essential oils are implemented as a means of penetrating the tissue and tackling deep-rooted problems that lie below the surface. However, these oils can burn and cause serious inflammation in the vagina and lead to infections, pain, itching and painful romantic encounters.
Steaming the vagina can also lead to serious issues with bacterial growth in the short and long-term future. The interior of the vagina has a delicate ecosystem that relies on healthy bacteria to self-cleanse and maintain adequate pH levels. When the pH is altered even in the slightest degree, women may experience yeast infections, abnormal discharge, itchiness, and foul odors.
Women should also be aware that steam temperature fluctuates to a great degree during the treatment. As we’re aware, the vaginal tissue is extremely sensitive to outside elements and can become burned during the steaming process. Should you receive a treatment, communicate with the practitioner and have him or her maintain a temperature that is comfortable for you.
Is Vaginal Steaming Your Answer?
If fertility is important to you, vaginal steaming is something that you may want to explore. Vaginal Steaming can also help to clean the genital area, promote blood circulation, and reduce stress. Many women have undergone the treatments and received amazing results. Combine this with the restorative and rejuvenating results that many have experienced, and you have a recipe for optimal self-care.
However, the steaming process should be treated with the utmost care and respect. Even though the ingredients used in the process are organic and found naturally, they can be extremely potent. Each woman is unique, and each has her own set of unique circumstances. As always, consult with your doctor to make sure that you’re healthy and ready to start the journey towards pregnancy.