Pelvic pain can indicate the presence of certain medical conditions that might impact a women’s fertility capabilities.
The Pelvic Region
The pelvis is an anatomical region found in both the male and female bodies. In women, the pelvis is considered to cover the entire lower torso. While the outer part of the pelvic region is protected by various bones and muscles, the inner contains the bladder and reproductive organs.
The Genesis of Pelvic Pain
Given the size of the pelvic region and the many systemic structures contained inside the area, numerous maladies could occur that cause discomfort in pelvic areas including:
Mittelschmerz is German for “middle pain.” This term is used to describe the bothersome, yet fairly common pelvic discomfort some women might experience during the midpoint of their ovulation cycle. Pain usually appears on one side of the pelvis and subsides within a few hours. This pain is not indicative of any significant health problem and is not a threat to fertility.
Post-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
This type of pelvic pain occurs when the uterus sheds excess tissue towards the end of the monthly menstrual cycle. PMS pain causes lower abdominal cramps until the process of discarding tissue is completed. Though cramps can become very painful, PMS is not serious and does not in any way threaten normal fertility.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The cause of this ailment is abnormal growth of tissue outside the uterus. Afflicted women might experience pelvic discomfort that intensifies during sex or their menstrual periods. The abnormal structural abnormalities that occur inside the uterus, as well as the potential for scarring, could pose a serious threat to infertility.
Treatment options will depend upon the severity of the illness. In mild to moderate cases, oral contraceptives or hormonal injections might be prescribed. However, in instances where significant uterine damage has occurred, surgery to remove damaged tissue may be suggested.
Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are benign tumors that grow inside the uterus. In specific cases, such growths manifest in pelvic discomfort. Should the scope and size of these fibroids be large enough, the anomalies do have the potential to impede the conception process. For serious cases, surgery might be a fertility-saving option.
Various Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Several of these ailments could produce an achy pelvic region and be accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive or abnormal bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge, pain during sex or urination and other untoward manifestations. If not properly diagnosed and treated, certain STDs could interfere with a woman’s ability to conceive.
Other Health Issues
It is important to realize that numerous other illnesses could cause pelvic discomfort including significant digestive problems, specific types of cancer, miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Therefore, expecting women who experience pelvic discomfort accompanied by other alarming symptoms are urged to speak with a health care professional as soon as possible.