Many believe that a child brings joy into your life and makes your house truly feel like a home. However, some people struggle to get pregnant. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that gets better with time. While you explore your options and find the best answer for you, you will likely be going through a whirlwind of emotions.
While your focus will be primarily on your physical and reproductive health, you should also make your mental health a priority. One of the ways people have gotten through this difficult time is through writing, and here is how you can use it as a tool.
Fertility Options
If you aren’t able to get pregnant at all, that doesn’t have to mean the end of your journey. Talk to your spouse about adoption or hosting foster children. This child can bring the same love into your home as a natural child. You always have the option of a fertility counselor to help you work through decisions such as these, or any others along your fertility journey.
How Writing Can Help You Work Through Infertility
You will probably be getting a lot of information at this time. It can be hard to keep track of all the things that you learn. When you have a doctor’s visit or make a discovery on your own, you should write the information down in a designated notebook. This way, you will have it all in one place. If you want to remember the different things you’ve learned, you know where to turn.
You can also use the notebook as a fertility diary. In the diary, you can record every time that you menstruate and have sex. You should also record the results of any ovulation tests that you take, fertility methods you take and any doctor visits you go to. When you write all of this down, you can identify patterns in your body’s behavior. However, try your best to not focus too strongly on these tests and results to the point of obsession.
One of the most important things that writing will help with is your stress and other emotions at this time. You can write down when you’re feeling angry, frustrated, or sad. Of course, you may also be able to write down your feelings when you are indecisive. By writing things down, you may be able to come to a decision.
Infertility affects millions of couples every year. You don’t need to keep your stress inside. After all, doing so probably won’t help. When you write about your journey, you can release these emotions in a healthy way and have a book filled with memories to look back upon.