Having a baby is a special time for many couples. For some couples, having a baby is a bit challenging. To better their chances, many couples resort to fertility treatments including IVF and other hor...
What to Know About Flu Shots When Undergoing IVF
While you might want to stay up to date on your vaccines especially during the flu season, when doing IVF you might want to take a few things under consideration. Flu shots might impact the outcome of...
The Importance of Antral Follicle Counts
An antral follicle count helps to measure a woman’s ovarian reserve, or egg count. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. When a woman hits puberty she will begin to release an egg mo...
Understanding Your Fertility Coverage
If you are looking to get fertility treatments, you are not alone. It's important to understand your fertility coverage to see what your insurance covers. More and more people are seeking treatment...
Understanding Ovulation Induction
A medical technique known as ovulation induction could help women overcome fertility problems. But what exactly happens during this process? Ovulation Induction Overview This fertility treatment ent...
Questions to Ask When Finding A Fertility Clinic
On top of dealing with fertility struggles, seeking out the right fertility clinic for you can seem like a daunting task. There are a lot of different factors you will need to consider when finding th...
Staying Connected to Your Partner During Fertility Treatments
As a couple trying to conceive, being confronted with fertility issues can quickly take a toll on an otherwise healthy relationship, especially for couples who have decided to turn to assisted concept...
NaPro Procedures, a Possible Affordable Alternative to IVF
NaPro is a new type of fertility treatment that is a good alternative to in-vitro fertilization (IVF). It is effective and considerably cheaper. What Are the Statistics on IVF? Many couples struggle...