The road to conception and the eventual transition to parenthood requires serious preparation and significant amount of mental toughness.
Mental Preparation
A young couple is intent on starting a family and taking the necessary steps to accomplish this goal, such as engaging in passionate intercourse, eating properly, exercising and shying away from potentially detrimental vices. Engaging in these actions is important. However, conception does not typically happen overnight, and both partners need to be willing to commit over the long haul and cope with the speed-bumps that might occur along the way.
Many couples are ultimately successful because they understand the importance of becoming mentally and emotionally strong. Though psychologists and fertility specialists opine there is no surefire method to conception or being completely prepared for parenthood when a child is born, certain strategies might prove beneficial.
Dealing with Conception Struggles
Conception does not occur immediately for many. However, an extended duration of no success can place a great strain on the mental and emotional states of each partner and could potentially threaten their relationship. Fortunately, the following tips might ease associated tensions:
Express Your Feelings
It is normal to experience negative feelings like anger, sadness and frustration. However, these emotions should not be held inside. Bottled up negativity is detrimental to an individual’s physical and mental health. Moreover, these emotions could eventually boil over and precipitate destructive behavior. Thus, those dealing with these sentiments are strongly urged to voice them to friends, family members or professional counselors.
Arguably, the worst action one can take is to blame him- or herself or the partner for these unpleasant circumstances. Once again, experiencing a certain degree of negative emotions is normal and acceptable. However, demonstrating these notions over extended duration can precipitate self-defeatism and might damage or obliterate a person’s will to try again or even move forward.
Spend Time with Children
Seeing or spending time around kids might be difficult for those coping with fertility problems. However, serving as a positive influence in any child’s life is a blessing to that child, regardless of whether he or she is a biological relation.
Transitioning Into Parenthood
Couples fortunate enough to have successfully passed the conception process now must prepare for parenthood. Again, there is no book or piece of advice that can fully prepare individuals for what is arguably the biggest and most challenging job they will ever have. However, the following suggestions might make expecting parents better equipped:
Strengthen the Bond Couples Share
Prior to pursuing parenthood, couples are strongly encouraged to strengthen the bond they share. By connecting emotionally, partners prepare themselves for these potentially trying times. The road to conception, pregnancy and a child’s early years are stressful periods that could be far more difficult to handle if the couple is not one solidified unit.
Keep Expectations in Check
While few joys can compare to becoming a parent, expecting couples should not think the job is going to be easy. There will be challenges down the road that will not always proceed swimmingly. Thus, couples are encouraged to temper expectations and understand that circumstances will not always be ideal.
Face Fears
Many experienced parents tell soon-to-be parents that the prospect of parenthood should scare them. Being responsible for the health and development of a child is a huge onus that should not be taken lightly. However, couples planning an addition are urged to face their fears by expressing their concerns to trusted friends, family or professional counselors.
Establish Parenting Values
Raising a child often necessitates parents to act as a united front. Therefore, parenting professionals caution expecting couples to identify their parenting values. There is no crime if each partner does not totally agree on every pertinent issue. What is important is getting the issues out into the open so each parent knows where the other stands and can create compromises when and where the need arises.