Many women find themselves struggling to conceive. With fertility issues on the rise, there are now many different options of fertility-boosting medication that women can try. One of the most popular options is the use of the medication Clomid.
While using these medications might help you to conceive, some may wish to seek more natural alternatives instead to help boost their fertility. We have put together a list of some natural options to help boost fertility and improve conception chances without the need of these medications.
Some Fertility-Boosting Medications
One of the most popular fertility-boosting medications is called Clomid. Clomid is often one of the first medications that doctors will prescribe. It is an oral medication that helps to stimulate ovulation. However, there are quite a few side effects that are associated with this medication. There is also a large risk for multiples while taking Clomid because it can stimulate multiple follicles during ovulation.
Another medication that many are prescribed is that Metformin. This drug does not stimulate the ovaries, but instead helps increase a woman’s insulin sensitivity. This is a very common drug given to women with PCOS and that need help to stabilize their ovulation cycle.
There are many other medications that doctor’s could use to help boost-fertility. But many women choose to seek a more natural route to try and avoid some of the side effects and risks that coincide with these medications.
Fertility Facts to Keep in Mind
When it comes to conceiving, it can be hard for many different reasons. One of the most effective ways to help boost your fertility is to learn how to find the opportune time to for conception. By learning your body’s cycle and determining the days of ovulation, then you can time sex to be within the days prior to ovulation for the best chance of success.
Try and get rid of those nasty habits now. When it comes to conception, if you are smoking or excessively drinking this can hurt your chances at conception. It is best to try to get rid of these habits now, especially before you do conceive!
Natural Alternatives to Help Boost Fertility
With the rise in fertility struggles, there are many different options that you can try naturally to boost your fertility to hopefully avoid the use of these medications.
- Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) – This berry has been found to help normalize ovulation. It helps to support hormonal balance by helping to correct the hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis. This has been shown to help women with PCOS and to help normalize the menstrual cycle.
- Maca – Maca has been shown to help promote hormonal balance within the body. It also helps to nourish the endocrine system. It can be taken in powder, tablet, or tincture form.
- Red Raspberry Leaf Tea- This is well known for helping women prepare for childbirth, but also to help women who are having trouble conceiving. It helps to fortify the uterus and makes the luteal phase longer. This can help with better odds of conception.
- Shatavari – This is an ancient Indian healing system that has many powerful fertility benefits. It helps to protect the body from infertility induced by stress. It also works to improve cervical mucus, supports the liver and regular menstruation, and rinses the blood from toxins. Shatavari can be taken in capsule form or powder.
- Evening Primrose – This supplement is filled with a large amount of gamma-linoleic acid, which is a fatty acid that offers many healing properties. It helps to regulate hormones that perform many functions within the body, especially that of ovulation. It is best taken before ovulation and is commonly found in pill form.
- Take your vitamins – It is very important to get an adequate amount of vitamin C, D, folic acid, and omega 3 fatty acids when trying to conceive. This is especially the case when suffering from infertility. These vitamins can help your body to be in the best health possible to better improve your chances of conception.
- Myo-Inositol – This is a vitamin that is associated with the vitamin B complex. Myo-Inositol has been shown to help with fertility, especially when it comes to oocyte maturation. It helps with the quality of the eggs and follicular fluid that work to make fertilization occur. This is especially helpful for women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS.