A medical procedure known as manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), that helps with a range of health problems, might also have a positive impact on women’s fertility.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Defined
This procedure is a type of skin massage designed to promote more optimal performance of the lymphatic system, which plays an integral role in helping the body fight infections and rid itself of waste products.
How Is MLD Performed?
The procedure involves two stages: clearing and reabsorption. The first stage, clearing, is executed to enable lymphatic tissues to accumulate more lymphatic fluid, which is paramount to the body’s defense processes. Clearing is typically performed on lymph nodes situated in the supraclavicular (above the collarbone) and axillary (under the arms) regions and directly below the elbows. Clearing operations are repeated several times and involve massaging regions on both sides of the body.
During the reabsorption stage, other pertinent lymphatic regions are addressed. In most instances, reabsorption begins with massages of the finger tips. From there, the massage goes over the hands, top of the arms, shoulders and ultimately, the legs. Like the clearing stage, reabsorption efforts should be repeated several times and conducted on both sides of the body.
Additional Systemic Impacts of MLD
Medical professionals opine that, in addition to cleansing the body and stimulating the immune system, MLD has other effects on the body. MLD is said to potentially provide relief from conditions including injury-causing inflammation, digestive problems, insomnia, various skin disorders, fibromyalgia, stress and migraine headaches, among others.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Fertility
Such chemicals imbalances could subsequently produce numerous deleterious systemic impacts, most notably the inability to conceive. Ergo, women who are planning to start a family or who are stricken with infertility problems are encouraged to undergo MLD. Flushing toxins and other waste products out of their systems is said to lay the foundation for the absorption of the nutrients and hormones vital to the conception process.
Additionally, MLD is believed to stimulate blood flow. The intense movement of skin and muscle during MLD-based massages is thought to increase systemic blood flow. Doctors and fertility specialists suggest that enhanced circulation is paramount to conception. Nutrient-rich blood is vital to ensuring the optimal performance of reproductive organs, as well as in helping a woman maintain her strength, libido and vitality.
Moreover, healthcare professionals suggest MLD can yield other results conducive to the conception process. Often overlooked is the procedure’s ability to induce relaxation. In numerous instances, women coping with excessive stress might be afflicted with infertility. Relaxation techniques like MLD may reduce tension and anxiety enough to enable conception to occur.
How to Obtain MLB?
Typically, the procedure is performed by a physician or a licensed massage therapist (LMT). Women can find such professionals by searching online for massage therapists in their area. Additionally, a primary care doctor or obstetrician might be able to suggest reputable professionals.