Male fertility is constantly decreasing. Live sperm production in European men has decreased by 50 percent in the last 30 years, and the density lessens by two to four per cent each year. However, this is not merely a European phenomenon. Testosterone production is decreasing significantly worldwide when compared to prior centuries.
The modern lifestyle is largely to blame for the deterioration of male fertility, as it has a negative impact on the male genitals. Poor nutrition, lengthy time spent sitting and clothes that are too snug and warm are all factors that hinder the healthy metabolism of genitals.
Tight Underwear Impairs Sperm Quality
Good blood flow and ventilation of the lower body is essential to maintain the health of sexual organs. Genitals should not be cramped in order not to disturb the blood circulation in the soft tissues. Tight clothes can lead to overheating of the testicles, which impacts sperm quality negatively. Pants that are too tight can force sexual organs into the warm body, where the sperm in the scrotum can be destroyed because of heat build-up. Wearing standard underwear creates a temperature of up to 37 degrees Celsius in the testicles when the ideal temperature should only be about 33 degrees.
US-Study Finds a Correlation in Those Who Sleep Naked and Those with Increased Fertility
Another study conducted in the ’90s and published in the medical journal Lancet observed 12 men for one year who alternately wore tight and loose underwear. With this information, scientists were able to compare sperm quality with regard to underwear. The results showed that while the men were wearing tighter underwear, the sperm count was only half that seen during the time they wore loose underwear. The number of mobile sperm was only one-third bigger than in those wearing tight underwear.
More research is needed in the future in order to observe the exact impact of underwear on sperm quality. In the meantime, men who wish to have children or are concerned for their sperm health should wear loose fitting underwear or do without completely—especially at night—in order to protect their fertility.