Understanding how infertility affects both women and men is key to knowing that such things can be cured or helped. Light therapy is the latest treatment.
Light therapy is the newest means of treating infertility. It works on both men and women, and how it works may surprise you. It’s unlike anything else you may have tried to help you and your partner conceive, since it doesn’t involve any invasive procedures with your reproductive systems. If you have tried literally everything else to get pregnant, you should try light therapy next. Here are some facts and helpful information about this new treatment.
Light Therapy Isn’t Exactly New
Doctors working with different wavelengths of light a decade ago discovered that it affected skin, hair and other body parts differently. They also discovered that the effect of these wavelengths was indeed quite positive. People who were losing their hair because of stress and hormones were able to regrow hair when exposed to light treatments on the scalp. Fatigue was eased when people received light treatments to the body’s skin. The type of light predominantly used with excellent results was red light.
Articles detailing the study of the effects of red light on the human body began as early as 2010. Perhaps the most notable study was one conducted by Japanese researchers on older women who were trying to conceive but could not no matter what they did. A fourth of the women exposed to red light therapy went on to conceive naturally as though they had never had a problem with fertility! This particular study was conducted in 2012, and other studies followed.
How Light Therapy Is Applied
Fifty percent of all fertility issues are directly related to women. That isn’t surprising considering how many women are now waiting until later in life to have children, exactly when their bodies slowly begin to back off egg production. Only twenty percent of all men experience a fertility issue, since men constantly produce sperm their entire lives. The fertility issue is compounded when both partners are affected by reproductive problems.
Chemicals, hormones and in-vitro fertilization are used by desperate couples trying to have a baby. Now you can bypass all of that and request light therapy instead. With this treatment, LEDs (light emitting diodes) that emit red light wavelengths are applied to your throat, not your groin, your reproductive organs, your abdomen or any other area below the belt. The light is absorbed by your thyroid and parathyroid glands, which then speeds up your metabolism. Slower metabolisms later in life are at the core of fertility problems, so the light helps correct this particular issue.
Additionally, there is an increase in nitrous oxide, which in turn increases vascularization in the body (i.e., the production of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow). For both men and women, blood flow is important during sex and during the fertilization and implantation of the human egg/embryo. In some cases, the LED light may be applied via special goggles into the closed eyelids themselves.
Other Noted Benefits of Light Therapy for Fertility and Pregnancy
It seems that another benefit of light therapy is that it increases collagen. Collagen comprises the elastic fibers found in the skin and connecting tissues. An increase in collagen increases the ability of the ligaments connected to a woman’s uterus to support a healthy pregnancy.
One’s circadian rhythm, or how well a person sleeps and how often, affects fertility too. The LED light presented in this form of therapy corrects and can even reset your circadian rhythm, thereby encouraging the body to correct dampened reproductive processes.
Problems with energy in your cells and lymphatic edema contribute to infertility, too. Using light as therapy boosts ATP, a chemical in the human body that creates energy in all living cells. More energy in your cells means a greater ability to conceive a healthy pregnancy carried to term. Light also reduces lymphatic edema. Lymphatic edema blocks fluids and blood flow to the lower half of the body and increases inflammation and immune disorder issues that prevent conception, and by extension, pregnancy.
If you have issues getting pregnant, this treatment is proven to help with male and female fertility issues. It has also been proven to help with menstruation problems. For couples trying to get pregnant, the treatment can help them get things back in order.