Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most effective forms of contraception and one of the most used forms worldwide. The attraction to IUDs as a common birth control option can been seen in the effectiveness, longevity of their use, affordability and easy of removal for when the time comes and pregnancy is desired.
The ability to return fertility and embark on the journey to conception after IUD removal is critical to many women, and studies show that most women can successfully conceive after only a few months of IUD removal since hormonal production is generally unaffected by its use.
One study in particular found that 83.1 percent of female participants conceived within 12 months after IUD discontinuation. For those saying good-bye to the days of IUD usage and hello to trying to conceive, it is important to take actions to enhance fertility after its removal to further optimize the chances of conception and prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy, and a number of efforts can help.
1. Take Fertility Supplements
Fertility supplements such as a basic prenatal vitamin or even fertility-specific vitamins that include ingredients that can help improve fertility such as; coenzyme Q10 (CoQ-10) (an antioxidant that helps enhance the quality of eggs and supports fertility), royal jelly (which helps to improve ovarian function), and omega-three fatty acids (which can help to regulate hormones and improve blood flow to the reproductive organs).
2. Get Regular Exercise
Specialists find that while any exercise is better than none, aerobic exercise is among the best type of exercise for fertility. Begin by aiming for 30 minutes of aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, or swimming, three times a week. In addition, avoid exercise that is too strenuous, as it may have results that are counterproductive.
Click here for A Complete Guide to Understanding if Your Workout Routine Is Hurting Your Fertility
3. Eat Healthily
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help to improve fertility. Avoid overly processed foods, an abundance of artificial sweeteners, and limit your consumption of trans fats, as all of these foods can disrupt hormone levels, contribute to inflammation, and negatively impact fertility.
Include fertility-enhancing foods such as dark leafy greens, berries, whole grains, nuts, and seeds in your diet. These foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support reproductive health. Eating a healthy diet not only improves overall well-being and supports a healthy weight, it can aid in improving egg quality, increase the chances of ovulation, and even reduce the risk of miscarriage after conception.
The best way to ensure you are eating a healthy diet is to eat a variety of foods from all food groups and make whole foods the first priority. It is also essential to avoid drinking alcohol or have a fertility-safe approach to drinking, as it can negatively impact fertility.
Click here for A Couple’s Guide to Starting and Maintaining a Fertility-Friendly Diet
4. Manage Stress Levels
Stress can interfere with fertility, ovulation and implantation. It can also lead to a luteal phase defect, preventing pregnancy. Practicing regular stress managing is essential for fertility. Some of the most common ways to manage stress and reduce anxiety include yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and rose which can all help promote relaxation.
5. Quit Smoking
Though easier said than done for some individuals, there are several ways to quit smoking, such as nicotine replacement therapy, medication, and hypnosis. Nicotine replacement therapy and medication can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, while hypnosis may help to change the way you think about smoking and lead you to improving your efforts to kick the habit naturally.
6. Use an Ovulation Predictor Kit
Ovulation predictor kits can help do exactly that, aid in predicting when ovulation occurs. These type of kits measures the level of luteinizing hormone in your urine, which is present when the egg is released for insemination. Ovulation predictor kits are available at most pharmacies and online and typically come with one or more test strips.
In addition to using at-home ovulation kits, keeping track of your menstrual cycle and other common measurements such as temperature, cervical position and fluid can all help track the fertile window increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Click here for A Complete Guide to Tracking Your Fertility