If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you may be wondering if exercise is a good idea. Can it help to improve your symptoms? Or will it make them worse? Before discussing exercise and PCOS, let’s first understand what exactly it is.
PCOS is characterized by a hormonal imbalance, with symptoms such as weight gain and cysts on the ovaries. Women with PCOS often experience infertility and difficulty getting pregnant. They are also at increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and other health problems. When it comes to exercise and PCOS, here are the health benefits and the best exercises.
Health Benefits of Exercise for People Suffering From PCOS
Exercise can help reduce insulin resistance, one of the most common problems in women with PCOS. It also enhances fertility by normalizing hormone levels. There are many ways to exercise that are suitable for people suffering from PCOS. Swimming, walking, jogging and cycling are some examples. Exercising regularly can help you lose weight, making you feel better and look better.
When it comes to exercise and PCOS, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
Always talk to your doctor before starting a seven-day workout plan. They will advise you on the best type of exercise for your condition. This might include exercises to be done in the pool or exercises that are not too strenuous.
- Start with low-impact exercises and work up to more rigorous ones. For beginners, you can start by doing five minutes of light cardio every day. You can aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise six days a week as you progress. Your doctor will be able to tell you when it’s time to increase the intensity of your workout.
- If you feel pain, take a break from exercising and see your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign that there is something wrong with your condition. Also, don’t forget about recovery or injury-prevention exercises after strenuous sessions.
Best Exercises for People With PCOS
Many exercises can be beneficial for women with PCOS. These exercises are designed to enhance the individual’s overall health and wellbeing and to develop a healthy lifestyle.
This is one of the best exercises to do if you have PCOS. Swimming, walking and cycling are examples of aerobic exercises that also help strengthen your muscles. Add a few weight-bearing exercises such as jogging and kickboxing to add more challenges to your workout regimen.
Yoga is a great way to relax your mind and body, but it can also help strengthen your core muscles. Doing yoga regularly will improve your cardiovascular system, which means you’ll be healthier and more energetic.
If you want to build muscle mass, weight training may be the exercise you are looking for. It will help decrease insulin resistance and increase lean muscle tissue. This type of exercise is also recommended for women with PCOS trying to lose weight.
Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen your pelvic muscles. They can help prevent urinary incontinence and other bladder and vaginal muscle problems. It is recommended for all pregnant women to prepare for labor. This PCOS exercise is easy—you contract the vagina and anus muscles for five seconds and then release. Repeat the exercise 10 times, three times a day.
Your doctor may also recommend abdominal exercises such as crunches, Pilates and yoga to tone your waist. You can do these exercises while seated or standing. Make sure you are familiar with the correct form before starting this exercise.
This is the simplest exercise to do, but it’s also one of the best PCOS exercises. You can walk for five minutes each day or 30 minutes every other day. If you want better results, try increasing your pace and the distance you cover.
Exercise is a great way to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other health problems related to PCOS. It can also help with weight loss, mood stabilization and even fertility issues. Always consult your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have PCOS.