A lot of women entering middle adulthood are reconsidering their younger decision not to have children. Their life may feel lonely and their careers possibly stressful. Sadly, for many, the shock comes when their infertility is diagnosed. Many women choose to try multiple rounds of drug treatments such as IVF or IUI, sometimes to no avail. Adoption can feel like the only solution. Using chemical additives to treat fertility may harm heart health, as some studies have shown.
How Fertility Treatments Hurt Your Heart
Things like high blood pressure and clots that lead to strokes and can be a consequence of hormone treatments for fertility. Before panicking and stuffing strange chemicals into our body, it behooves us to think carefully about the consequences down the road. Two-thirds of women do not become pregnant following fertility treatment, according to a Canadian study. They do receive a 19 percent risk of heart trouble later on. For your heart health, do not settle for synthetic hormone fertility treatments.
Here are a few ways to increase the probability that you and your mate will bear children, without harming your heart:
Make Sure Your Diet is Great
Sometimes, if we are stuffing our bodies with bad food, that can harm other aspects of our well-being, including fertility. The Mayo Clinic recommends that we control portion sizes and upgrade the amounts of vegetables and fruits we are eating each day. The natural chemicals in plants can do more for your body than the synthetic hormones in your fertility pills. Harvard research suggests that switching to a natural plant-based diet can lead to an 80 percent decrease in the risk of anovulation, or lack of female egg production.
Exercise can help your fertility. Excessive exercise, of course, is bad. However, moderate exercise 30 minutes a day can keep your body’s systems in the right shape for reproduction. If you do not like to exercise, just try going on a simple walk each day. This can do a lot for your body and your future baby.
Frequent Time With Your Mate
Helping your heart requires taking a new look at the causes of infertility. Do not automatically assume that a fertility wonder drug promises miracles. Make sure that you are balancing your perspective with some natural input. Diet and exercise are key as well. Having people supporting you can help you get quickly on the road to becoming a parent. Abstaining from sex is bad for ovulation, the heart and overall fertility level. There are lots of experienced mothers around you to help you. Make sure you get advice from some of them, since they can often give valuable input.