Up to one out five couples aren’t able to conceive. The reasons for this may involve one or both partners and can vary greatly: Physical, hormonal or psychological factors may be at play. Sometimes ...
Positive Pregnancy Test Results vs. Test Evaporation Lines
Millions of women in the world are trying their hardest to become pregnant. One of the tools used to test their success is the pregnancy test. Many modern pregnancy tests exist, but the most commonly ...
The Correlation Between Exposure to Air Pollutants and Infertility
Researchers have concluded that exposure to toxins in air pollutants are predominantly responsible for infertility that many people experience. The results of recent studies conducted to establish ...
Genetic Pattern Gives Predictors of IVF Failure or Success
New research may afford future predictability of IVF success, as an abnormal gene expression within the womb may relate to the uterus' inability to allow embryo implantation. As the number of coupl...
A New Complement to IVF Could Increase the Success in Older Women
Scientists are advancing their studies of in vitro fertilization. New studies replace part of the egg cell and give them new life to increase the rate of success in older women. In vitro fertilizat...
Rare Form of Infertility Linked to Gene Mutations
New findings by Chinese researchers indicate that gene mutations may affect fertility by preventing egg cells from ever maturing properly. Infertility is an issue that many women struggle with, and...
Does More Sex Increase Chances of Conception?
It is not uncommon for couples to have a difficult time conceiving, but a new research study may suggest that having more sex can increase their chances of pregnancy. A recent study presented at the E...
Supporting Each Other Through Infertility Struggles
One of the most difficult challenges any couple can go through is struggling with infertility. Between the huge financial outlay for fertility treatments, the repeated heartbreak over failed pregnanci...