Being overweight can lead to a number of health problems. In fact, obesity can also affect fertility. Research shows that men who have a higher BMI often struggle with poorer sperm quality as well. O...
The Best Exercises for Male Fertility
When it comes to male fertility, there are a number of factors that can contribute to infertility and fertility struggles, but these factors all have one commonality; they impact sperm health or sperm...
Exercise and PCOS: What You Need to Know
If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you may be wondering if exercise is a good idea. Can it help to improve your symptoms? Or will it make them worse? Before discussing exercise and PCOS, let's firs...
A Complete Guide to Understanding if Your Workout Routine Is Hurting Your Fertility
For soon-to-be mothers and enthusiastic fathers, developing a productive workout routine and leading an active lifestyle is paramount for birthing a healthy and vibrant baby in the upcoming months. Ho...
How Walking Can Lead to Better Fertility Health
Physical activity and exercise have helped with various health problems for the longest time—from cancer prevention to healthy hearts. It is now known that a simple walk may also help with fertility...
Top Core Exercises When TTC
Ladies, the struggle to bring life into this world is real. We go through our day with a smile on our face, jump through hoops for work, try to make the right dietary choices, maintain a social life, ...
Fitness Dos and Don’ts When TTC
When you are trying to conceive—TTC, as it's commonly referred to—it's important that you are in the best health. Fitness can help your chances. Being physically fit can make you feel better an...
Which Style of Yoga Is Best for Fertility Treatments and Why?
Guest Author: Lauren Blandin Doctors often suggest practicing yoga while going through fertility treatments or as an alternative to other forms of exercise during treatment, however many doctors and...