The quality of both sperm and egg declines over time, and medical science continues to discover poor egg quality is becoming easier to diagnose. Couples struggling to conceive will be happy to know there are quality fertility supplements available that can aid in improving the quality of both egg and sperm. Couples struggling with infertility need clear ways to achieve better reproductive quality. BioPQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) is natural reproductive virility supplement seeking to address the problem of diminished reproductive quality.
Increase Fertility More Naturally
PQQ increases and stimulates cell growth in reproductive organs as well as aids in mitochondrial biogenesis, a process of voluntary generation of brand new mitochondria within maturing cells. Cell quality reduces over time, meaning that cells have become damaged making them inefficient in creating energy. PQQ’s strong antioxidant qualities increase mitochondria production and development of stronger eggs and sperm. Initial studies in rats have shown consumption of PQQ can:
- Combat oxidative stress
- Increase mitochondrial density
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve fertility
Older eggs and sperm that have struggled with cellular growth and division become more fertile making conceiving much easier to achieve for a female with low ovarian reserves. Though BioPQQ is found naturally in some foods such as green tea and kiwi, one the best ways to receive more PQQ in the diet is by a supplement enzyme.
How PQQ Can Improve Male Sperm Quality
Because of its strong proprieties, PQQ helps reduce oxidative stress for improved outcomes for conception and IVF treatments. Sperm integrity can be expected to improve after one to three months of treatment with oral antioxidant supplements such as PQQ.
PQQ Improves Female Egg Quality
One of the primary ways PQQ helps improve female egg quality is by aiding mitochondria. Mitochondria are small organelles that function in every part of the body, acting like energy currency throughout all living cells. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a biomarker of age and disease, which in turn creates damage to female production and egg quality.
With PQQ, this important energy is increased to give egg cells greater energy, making the chances of successful conception much more likely. Plus, the antioxidants in PQQ also provide needed vitamins like vitamin C for increased reproductive health protection.
A Reason to Be Excited
While initial studies have focused primarily on the animal kingdom, there is still reason to be excited due to PQQ’s proven ability to improve mitochondrial makers in women as well as increase male sperm quality. PQQ isn’t just another super antioxidant. It is also a beacon of hope for more natural ways to treat infertility. The supplemental enzyme can reverse the problem of aging in eggs to improve their quality giving infertile couples a chance to conceive.