Women are often tempted to try laser hair removal. It is a form of beauty technology that is growing in popularity. With new technologies, we also come across new concerns about how the technologies affect a person’s health and long-term wellbeing. Some have claimed that laser hair removal is linked to infertility, so many studies have been done to determine if this is even possible.
Laser Hair Removal
The laser utilized during the procedure is a concentrated beam of light. It is used on a person’s hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles. This is how the hair is removed. The process involves small pulses of laser light that only last for a fraction of a second. This makes it possible for sections of hair to be eliminated all at once. The method has been used effectively on small areas, such as a person’s upper lip. It can also cover larger areas, such as the legs and back. The bikini area is also a commonly requested target of the procedure.
Anyone who was told that laser hair removal causes infertility can rest assured knowing that this is a myth. It is based on concern about the radiation emitted from the laser. Some fear it will be absorbed by their body and have an effect on their internal cellular structure and organs. Many studies have been done concerning this procedure focusing on the issues of fertility as well as possible side effects. Dermatologists regularly tell their patients that studies have proven the minimal radiation that comes from this procedure can’t penetrate a person’s internal organs and cause them damage.
There has not been any research done to determine if the procedure has a negative effect on pregnant women. The possible side effects, in this case, are unknown. Many dermatologists realize that a pregnant woman’s skin will be more sensitive than the skin of a woman who is not pregnant. A pregnant woman’s body is experiencing significant hormonal changes. Because of this, skin irritations could happen. Most dermatologists recommend pregnant women avoid this procedure until after their delivery.
Male Infertility
It is becoming more common for men to get hair removal services. It is often for their genital area. Men who do this are concerned that the procedure could have a negative effect on their erectile function as well as fertility. There is also research concerning the effects of laser hair removal among men. Nothing has provided a definitive result, but men continue to get the procedure.
The Myth Debunked
Dermatologic surgeons have confirmed that the way the procedure is conducted, it is not possible for the laser to penetrate a person’s internal or reproductive systems. Thus, fertility can’t be affected. The energy from the light of the laser is absorbed in the hair follicles by the pigment that is located there. The laser pulse is designed to be on for a fraction of a second. This is enough time for it to eliminate hair follicles and leave all the skin in the surrounding areas unaffected.
Side Effects
Some researchers have studied all the current literature associated with laser-assisted hair removal. The results show side effects from this procedure are extremely rarely acute. The worst ones recorded have been the rare occurrence of skin pigment alteration. The majority of recorded side effects are considered to be minor, such as discoloration, redness and scarring. The majority of side effects are temporary, however.
Laser hair removal is safe. The procedure must be provided by a technician who has been properly trained. The laser equipment utilized for the procedure must be accredited. All the proper precautions must be taken. The laser used is designed so it doesn’t go deep into a person’s skin. It will never penetrate to a person’s internal organs. This is true for every part of the body that undergoes laser treatments.